The Nigerian Mvies

The Nigerian Mvies

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Nostradamus Was A Prophet And Psychic

By Lou Raedwulfe

Nostradamus, born, Michel de Nostradamus, is literally, a house-hold name when it comes to predictions. Now more than ever, psychics and people around the world are studying his writings, called quatrains, because this blue planet is in trouble in more ways than one.

While it is not specifically clear on how his predictions were made, it is known that he used astrology and meditation. His predictions were done in secrecy because the government at the time did not approve of predictions other than the ones they made. They did however, want to know from him as a metaphysical consult and astrologer why lay ahead for the Court of France. What little did they know that his predictions were not just specific to France, but the world events that would unfold in the future.

Throughout his prophecies, Nostradamus uses both verbal imagery and indirect reference to disguise the meanings of his visions. His use of anagrams to hide the actual identity of certain figures and places has been well documented. Perhaps one of the most famous is his reference to Napolean:

"Pau, Nay, Loron will be more of fire than blood, to swim in praise, the great one to flee to the confluence (of rivers). He will refuse entry to the magpies. Pampon and the Durance will keep them confined."

He was also very careful to purposely leave out dates. Whether he actually knew when major events would happen is still a mystery. What remains clear is that he was able to describe huge events that ended up happening in the future, many of which still have to unfold. That is why he is considered one of the world's best psychics.

Psychics, when doing readings, take into consideration his futuristic quatrains as an overview that foretells life in the modern world as it will unfold. They use Nostradamus' quatrains as a guideline when giving readings out into the future for clients wanting to know what will become of them in the future.

Accurate psychic readings are in demand more than ever before. Psychics often use his writings as a reference point in readings because they are full of wisdom and highly prophetic. Once people are forewarned, they are forearmed.

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