The Nigerian Mvies

The Nigerian Mvies

Monday, 19 March 2012

The Basics Of Drawing Faces

By Manci Zeelgal

This will be the first tutorial in a series of lessons on how to draw realistic faces. In this lesson, I'm going to show you how to create a basic outline of the face that you are going to draw. (Click here for more information on how to draw a human eye.) By following theses tips, you'll help improve your how to draw portraits skills.

Introduction To How To Draw A Portrait

Some thinks that to be a great artist and be able to create beautiful art work, you need to be naturally gifted. I don't agree with this view at all.

The fact of the matter is, when it comes to drawing (or any other skills) what matters most is determination and passion for the art. So if you have the drive to become a great artist, I will provide you with the proper instructions. Deal?

If you are a beginner at drawing, the best thing to do is break down the process into little chunks so that you can follow them easily without getting overwhelmed. We will take a step by step approach to this.

If you happened to be an artist that is a little more advanced, I would still advice you to follow along in this lesson. I'm sure you are still going to get something out of it. You never know what you might learn that will be useful to you.

Let's begin.

Step 1: Select Your Portrait Reference Picture

This part can be a bit tricky. You can't just pick any random picture. There are things you should look for in a good picture. If you fail to pick a good picture, it can make the task of drawing very frustrating.

Black and white pictures tend to work best if you are trying to draw faces because the black and white makes it easier to notice the shades and shadows.

Also, there won't be any color in the pictures to confuse you.

And make sure that you pick pictures that are well light. Dark pictures are harder to draw.

And then finally, try to stick with large images because it will make it easier to see all the small details.

Step 2: Creating Your Drawing Grid

The next step is to create a grid with you pencil that will go over the picture that you are trying to draw. The grid will break the picture up into little piece which will make it a lot more manageable.

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