The Nigerian Mvies

The Nigerian Mvies

Thursday, 18 June 2015

The Purpose Of Creative Writing Journals To Write In

By Freida Michael

Many people use diaries to keep a note of daily activities. The purposes of a journal go much deeper, with entries that express emotions, responses to events as well as questions and reflections about life. Creative writing journals to write in are often used on a daily basis, offering an important way to develop creativity. Studies have even shown that keeping one even has positive effects on both physical and emotional health.

Journal-keeping has a long history. For many centuries it was used as a tool for developing self-knowledge and enlightenment. Today we have found that there are other benefits to be obtained too. It can even benefit health and help to promote emotional healing.

One way it helps us is by giving us the opportunity to look back and reevaluate past experiences. In hindsight we may begin to understand more and even receive insights that help us in our personal growth. Personally, professionally and spiritually, we can benefit from such a process that shows our progress.

When first beginning a journal, it is often quite intimidating to know where to start. At this stage one cannot think too much. It is better to just begin putting one word after another without any self editing. Just like a dirty well that has not been used for a while, it may take time to get a flow going. Just as clear water eventually appears, so one finds that thoughts and words become more fluid with practice.

In our world we are constantly bombarded by input from all directions. Taking pen to paper can help us to clarify our thinking. As we start expressing ourselves on the paper, it is like removing the clutter from our minds. Eventually, enough of the clutter is removed to give new ideas and insights room to flourish.

A journal is a safe place to express yourself creatively without fear of failure or criticism. You can relax and allow yourself to play with ideas. You do not ever have to show it to anyone if you do not want to.

In our dominant digital environment, thinking on paper has an important place. Just grab that pen and note down problems you want to solve and opportunities you want to explore. There are many creative thinking techniques on the internet that can be used to develop skills.

Document your struggles and your triumphs, exercise your creativity, release your frustrations and fears. You will feel better for it and studies have shown that such a habit can significantly improve your health. Develop the habit of keeping a journal and you will not regret it.

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