The fashion house of Chanel has been synonymous with quality and luxury for decades. People covet their goods, especially purses. Of course, when an item fetches a high price and is highly sought after, there will always be unscrupulous people who try to make cheap bags and pass them off as the real thing. That is why you need to look out for signs of an authentic vintage Chanel handbag before you buy.
It is amazing how some fake bags look almost real from the outside. Counterfeiters really try to make them look real by using real leather, which many Chanel bass are made of. But other authentic purses are made from PVC or cloth, so do not assume they are fake.
The easiest way to see if the bag you want to buy is real or not is to open it up and look inside. Chanel has a very famous CC logo, where the C letters interlock. That logo should be stamped inside and raised, so you can feel it by running your finger. The universal symbol for a trademark should be at the end.
While you have the bag open, look at the material lining the inside. It should be smooth and not wrinkled at all. If it is wrinkled, it is either damaged or a fake, as designers would never sell such a messy bag. The stitching should also be perfect, as the design house takes great pains to make sure there are no hanging threads or crooked stitching. The interior should look immaculate and like it is of the very highest quality.
This brand has what are called colorways that designers use to distinguish their good from fakes. The stamp on the bag should have one of these colorways. It should also have a holographic sticker, although this could have been removed or fallen off from an authentic.
Another sign of a real bag is the certificate of authenticity that Chanel sells with every purse. Of course, with vintage bags, the card could have been lost over the years, so not having one is not necessarily a sign of a fake. However, if the seller does still have the certificate and the holographic sticker, then make sure the serial number on both match each other to determine authenticity.
The internet is a treasure trove of information about these bags, with meticulous records of each release going back decades available. These records generally include the type of material used, so make sure the material of your bag is one that Chanel has used in the past.
Finally, you can also do some sleuthing on the internet to find out more about the seller you are thinking of buying from. Check to see what their reputation is, and if past customers are happy. Ask about how they validate whether the purse is real or not, and if they guarantee authenticity or use a third party to do it. This ensures a seamless purchase of the real thing.
It is amazing how some fake bags look almost real from the outside. Counterfeiters really try to make them look real by using real leather, which many Chanel bass are made of. But other authentic purses are made from PVC or cloth, so do not assume they are fake.
The easiest way to see if the bag you want to buy is real or not is to open it up and look inside. Chanel has a very famous CC logo, where the C letters interlock. That logo should be stamped inside and raised, so you can feel it by running your finger. The universal symbol for a trademark should be at the end.
While you have the bag open, look at the material lining the inside. It should be smooth and not wrinkled at all. If it is wrinkled, it is either damaged or a fake, as designers would never sell such a messy bag. The stitching should also be perfect, as the design house takes great pains to make sure there are no hanging threads or crooked stitching. The interior should look immaculate and like it is of the very highest quality.
This brand has what are called colorways that designers use to distinguish their good from fakes. The stamp on the bag should have one of these colorways. It should also have a holographic sticker, although this could have been removed or fallen off from an authentic.
Another sign of a real bag is the certificate of authenticity that Chanel sells with every purse. Of course, with vintage bags, the card could have been lost over the years, so not having one is not necessarily a sign of a fake. However, if the seller does still have the certificate and the holographic sticker, then make sure the serial number on both match each other to determine authenticity.
The internet is a treasure trove of information about these bags, with meticulous records of each release going back decades available. These records generally include the type of material used, so make sure the material of your bag is one that Chanel has used in the past.
Finally, you can also do some sleuthing on the internet to find out more about the seller you are thinking of buying from. Check to see what their reputation is, and if past customers are happy. Ask about how they validate whether the purse is real or not, and if they guarantee authenticity or use a third party to do it. This ensures a seamless purchase of the real thing.
About the Author:
Get a summary of the things to consider before buying designer handbags and view our authentic vintage Chanel handbag collection at now.
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