The Nigerian Mvies

The Nigerian Mvies

Sunday 9 July 2017

What Dance Parents Need To Know About Dance Competitons Ohio

By Dennis Russell

The world of competitive dance is full of fun and excitement. It can also be full of stress and heartbreak as well. If you are a dance parent who is just beginning to take your child to dance competitions Ohio, here are a few tips and tricks that you can use to make the experience a fun and memorable one for all the right reasons.

There are many different dance competitions available for your child to compete in. It is normal for the dance studio where your child trains to choose several different events to compete in throughout the year. Keep in mind that different students may be attending different competitions. This is because some are geared more towards specific dance styles or experience levels.

It is not uncommon for dancers to spend a lot more time at the studio when they are close to competing. Often the routine will need to be polished. Small gestures or steps will be corrected and this can be a stressful time for your son or daughter. Remember to be as encouraging and supportive as possible. Ask the teacher if there is anything you can do to help such as having your child practice at home.

You should also think about where you will stay during the competition. It is not uncommon for dancers to have to perform on more than one day. If your son or daughter is only in one number you will often be able to go up and come back the same day. The same is true if your child is performing close to home. If you do decide to stay, make sure you book hotel rooms early so that they are not all filled up.

Usually, a dancer will need to bring a lot of gear to an event. Each number will have a costume and there may be different shoes and accessories that will go with their costumes. A large suitcase that can hold all of their performing gear will help keep you organized. Wheeled suitcases are best as they can simply be pulled along, regardless of how heavy they are.

Costumes are not the only thing that you should pack for your dancer. Hair products, elastics and pins are all good things to have in your competition bag. Sewing kits can be very handy when it comes to attaching straps, sewing on trim or pinning costumes that may not fit perfectly. Food is something you should also pack. Dancing can work up an appetite and sometimes it is hard for them to get to a restaurant between numbers.

It is normal for competition days to feel very long. Your son or daughter will be expected to arrive several hours early. This is so that they can warm up, run through their numbers and get their costumes and makeup on. Often, there will be hours between when they perform and when awards are given out.

It doesn't matter whether this is your dancer's first year competing or they have been on stage time and time again. Nothing beats the thrill of seeing them working their hardest. Don't worry about all of the stress and nerves. Just sit back and enjoy the show.

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