The Nigerian Mvies

The Nigerian Mvies

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Basic Overview Of Advanced Color Theory

By Stacey Burt

The colour is a visual perception that is generated in brains of humans and other animals to interpret nerve signals that send the photoreceptors in retina of eye, which in turn interpreted and distinguish the different wavelengths that capture the visible part of electromagnetic spectrum (light)(advanced color theory).

A lot of waves (colours) affect the pigment that absorbs green and red light and reflects only the blue, creating the blue. A pigment or a dye is a material that changes the colour of reflected light because light waves selectively absorb certain. White light is approximately equal to a mixture of entire visible light spectrum.

When this light encounters a pigment, some waves are absorbed by chemical bonds and substituents of pigment, while others are reflected. This new spectrum of reflected light creates the appearance of colour. For example, a dark blue pigment reflects blue light, and absorbs other colours.

In animal kingdom mammals generally do not distinguish colours well, birds however, yes; but usually have a preference for reddish colours. Insects, by contrast, tend to have a better perception of blues and even ultraviolet. Generally nocturnal animals see in black and white. Some diseases such as colour blindness or colour blindness from seeing colours well.

Within electromagnetic spectrum all possible energy levels of light form. Speaking of energy is equivalent to speak of wavelength; therefore, the electromagnetic spectrum covers all wavelengths of light can be. Across the spectrum, the portion that humans can perceive is very small compared to all existing.

By varying the intensity of each colour light finally reveals the full spectrum ofse three lights. The absence of three gives the black, and the sum of three gives white. These three colours corresponding to three sensitivity peaks of three colour sensors in our eyes. Primary colours are not a fundamental property of light, but a biological concept, based on the physiological response of human eye to light.

Newton observed that when a narrow beam of sunlight incident on a triangular glass prism with an angle, a part is reflected and again passes through the glass and disintegrates in different colour bands. Newton also made to converge those same rays of colour in a second lens to form white light again. He proved that sunlight has all the colours of rainbow. When it rains and the sun shines every raindrop behaves just as Newton's prism and union of millions of raindrops phenomenon arc is formed iris.

Individuals and members of other species that have these three types of receptors are called trichromats. Although the maximum sensitivity of cones is not exactly at the red, green and blue frequencies, are the colours that are chosen as primary, because they can stimulate the three colour receptors almost independently, providing a wide gamut.

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