The Nigerian Mvies

The Nigerian Mvies

Saturday, 28 January 2012

What to Look For When You Buy a Baby Monitor

By Charli Dowie

It used to be that the most advanced thing you could use a baby monitor for was to tap into the cordless phone conversations of your neighbors, when you were a kid. However, if you were to review baby monitors today, you would find that they can do much more than simply transmit or pick up sounds.

Some systems even have video monitoring. Choosing the right monitor, can therefore be difficult and often times confusing, because the options are virtually limitless!

How big do you want your monitor to actually be?

What kind of frequency and channel range do you need?

Another key factor which you need to consider is how much you actually want to be able to keep track of, when you are not in the room. If you are looking to keep track of the sounds and movements in the room, you can easily find a system to do just that.

Many of the budget-friendly monitors operate at 49 megahertz, so be careful about that. You'll get a lot of other radio frequency interference at 49 mhz. These are the systems that will also try to field calls from your neighbors cordless phones, pick up conversations had on cell phones by passing drivers and, potentially even your neighbors' monitoring system. More costly monitors which are of higher quality and different frequencies won't pose these issues. You'll find the best overall in sound quality with less interference is 2.4 gigs.

You may find that more extensive systems eat up a lot of your time and defeat the purpose of a monitoring system, because while you are outside of the room, you are still spending all of your time watching your baby...which means you get nothing else done. Do not confuse your parenting abilities with the type of monitor you choose, because you are choosing this monitor to be able to leave the room and get tasks done, but also so that you can still take care of your child; so the monitor should be one that allows you to actually get your work done in the first place.

What is going on in your home that could potentially interfere with the effectiveness of your baby monitor? You may not realize it, but some baby monitors may run on the same frequency as other devices in your home, such as cell phones, cordless phones, and radios, and that means that your other devices could interfere with the monitor, or you may notice the monitor interfering with the devices themselves. If you choose something on the same frequency, you could mess up more than one of your possessions!

Hopefull, this information can help you figure out which monitor is right for your budget and home. The trick is to figure out what is most important to you and your family and base your purchase on those things. For example, a battery that lasts a long time may be most important.

Or - having a visual monitoring system in place may be of greatest concern.

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